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Creating Regina

Regina. The easiest for me to write, but the hardest to explain. In today's world, we would see Regina as a character that is crippled with anxiety. Her friends can see the fear in her eyes, her "off" demeanor. Yet they don't know whether she has trouble explaining these feelings or if she is just intensely private, as she never speaks on her emotions. Either way, no one really knows what puts her into these states of aloofness. 


Regina probably has some dark past. It doesn't really matter. Either way, she is never able to relax. She works diligently, she is wonderfully kind, the kindest of all of her friends. But arguably she is not the most likable because she seems out of reach.


This character is someone who is overwhelmed by the demands of her world. Perhaps the most overwhelmed of them all. She was not made to be forced into ever-shifting roles, but she is too anxious to fight against it. She floats through life, never fully content, but not exactly sure whether she is unhappy. Inside, she fights to be free. Outside, she fights to blend in.


She is fiercely normal.

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